Policy of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (KMA)

I.K. Akhunbayev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy

Equal Opportunities, Diversity, and Inclusion




The Equal Opportunities, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Policy is based on the principles of fairness, equal opportunities, and respect for the unique characteristics of each individual. The implementation of this policy at the I.K. Akhunbayev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy will help create a fair and inclusive educational environment where all members of the community have equal opportunities for education, professional growth, and interaction.


Core Principles of the Policy:

  1. Non-Discrimination
    • o The I.K. Akhunbayev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy is committed to creating a safe and respectful environment where no one is subjected to discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or other factors.
    • o Goal for 2025-2027: Conduct annual anti-discrimination training for all staff and students. Develop an anonymous complaint system for discrimination and harassment. Implement mandatory non-discrimination assessments for all new academic programs.
  2. Equal Opportunities
    • o The Academy ensures equal opportunities for all members of the community in access to education, employment, professional development, and participation in decision-making processes.
    • o Goal for 2025-2026: Assess and remove any systemic barriers or inequality in access to educational and professional opportunities for students and staff. Integrate equal opportunities into the student and staff recruitment processes. Develop and implement a career advancement program accessible to all student categories, including students with disabilities.
  3. Inclusive Education
    • o A key task is to create educational programs that reflect the diversity of students and ensure their active participation in the learning process.
    • o Goal for 2026: Develop and implement courses that account for cultural, gender, ethnic, and other student characteristics. Ensure the accessibility of educational materials for students with disabilities. Regularly evaluate academic programs for inclusivity.
  4. Promotion of Diversity
    • o The I.K. Akhunbayev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy should actively promote diversity within its community by attracting and retaining students and staff from different backgrounds and experiences.
    • o Goal for 2025-2026: Develop a strategy for attracting students and faculty from diverse ethnic and social groups, as well as individuals with disabilities. Ensure equality in recruitment and promotion processes, including internal promotions and appointments to key positions. Develop inclusive marketing materials reflecting the diversity of the institution.
  5. Education and Awareness
    • o The Academy is committed to regularly conducting educational activities aimed at raising awareness of the principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion among students and staff.
    • o Goal for 2026: Conduct regular EDI training for students and staff. Develop and implement online courses on anti-discrimination and inclusive behavior for all new students and staff. Engage external experts for seminars and workshops on these topics.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation


The I.K. Akhunbayev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy strives to create a safe, inclusive, and fair educational environment where every student and staff member feels valued and respected. The implementation of the Equal Opportunities, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy, along with the setting of clear goals with specific timelines, will enable us to systematically develop and improve our educational environment, ensuring equal opportunities for all.

Implementation Plan for the Equal Opportunities, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Policy at I.K. Akhunbayev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (2025-2027)



Responsible Person


Performance Indicator

1. Anti-discrimination training for staff and students

January 2025 – 2027 (annually)

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Academic and Methodological Department

Number of training sessions conducted, percentage of staff and students covered (at least 60%)

2. Development and implementation of an anonymous complaint system for discrimination-related issues

March 2025

Vice-Rector for Legal Affairs and HR

Legal Department

Creation and launch of the complaint platform

3. Analysis and removal of systemic barriers in student recruitment (if necessary)

June 2025 – December 2026

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Admissions Committee

Analysis of current processes, development of recommendations, and improvement of recruitment procedures

4. Implementation of educational materials for students with disabilities (e.g., hearing or vision impaired)

August 2025 – May 2026

Director of Medical College, Department Heads

Medical College for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Department Heads

Number of adapted educational materials (at least 95% of materials)

5. Development of a strategy for attracting students and faculty from diverse ethnic and social backgrounds

September 2025 – December 2026

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Admissions and Outreach Department

Development and approval of strategy, increase in the number of students and faculty from diverse backgrounds

6. Regular inclusive behavior training for students and staff

October 2025 – September 2027 (annually)

Director of Professional Development Center

Professional Development Center

Number of training sessions conducted, percentage of participants (at least 80%)

7. Development and launch of an online training program on inclusivity and anti-discrimination

March 2025 – June 2026

Head of IT Department, Head of Outreach Department

IT Department, Academic and Methodological Department, Outreach Department

Launch of online course, number of participants (at least 500 students)

8. Introduction of mandatory review of academic programs for inclusivity and non-discrimination

March 2025

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Academic Department

Review and approval of all academic programs for inclusivity, report on results

9. Creation of a monitoring and evaluation system for the EDI policy

February 2025

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Academic Department

Monitoring system implemented, annual monitoring report

10. Annual EDI surveys for students and staff

December 2025 – 2027 (annually)

Head of Quality Management Department

Quality Management Department

Conduct survey, analyze results, develop recommendations for improvement