Recently, within the framework of the short internship exchange program Brief Exchange Program from the World Stroke Organization WSO, a specialist of the distance learning sector of the I. K. Akhunbaev Medical Academy Inna Lutsenko visited the University Clinic of the Austrian city of Innsbruck. During the two-week internship in the acute stroke department, there was an exchange of experience, examination of patients, and a guest lecture by a specialist from Kyrgyzstan for Austrian students in English and German.
The internship was held at the clinic TirolKliniken, Frauen und Kopfklinik, under the guidance of Professor, Director of the Austrian stroke Registry Stefan Kichl. I. Lutsenko made a report on the epidemiological situation of stroke in Kyrgyzstan according to the five-year review of international stroke registries.
The meetings discussed further cooperation between the University of Innsbruck and KSMA, exchange visits of professors, online lectures in the Department of distance learning. As a result, an agreement on international scientific cooperation was signed between the Medical University of Innsbruck and the KSMA.