The question - how to stay young and beautiful for many years - worries many people. Especially, first of all, the female half. Someone uses the latest cosmetics, someone uses old folk recipes, someone turns to plastic surgeons for help. Over the past decades, aesthetic plastic surgery has made a huge step forward and has become more effective and available.
With questions about "who needs aesthetic plastic surgery and needs to do plastic surgery", we turned to Tabaldiev Karbalas Bekturushovich, plastic surgeon of the Medical Center of the KSMA named after I. K. Akhunbayev.
Hello Karbalas Bekturushovich, please tell us briefly about yourself?
I graduated from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy with a degree in specialty General Medicine, budget department. I studied for 6 years.
Then he entered the residency at the Bishkek Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics, specialty traumatologist-orthopedist. I studied for 2 years. The residency was very interesting and informative: there were a lot of night shifts, they participated in many operations, interesting moments, various situations, acquaintance with the innovations of traumatology.
During my studies, there was just a fashion channel MTV, which showed various plastic surgeries that were performed in America. Then I wanted to be a famous plastic surgeon.
After his residency, in 2010, he got a job as an intern in a private clinic of plastic and reconstructive surgery. My first head of plastic surgery was Omurzakov Bakyt Alapayevich.
I was very interested in plastic surgery. And he spent every day at the operating table.
My supervisor then gave the necessary advice in which direction to move in, where to start.
How to communicate with patients, how to dissuade them from unnecessary surgery. He gave literature for reading and then conducted mini-exams. In general, it was very interesting.
Then, in 2012, he entered the retraining program and received a diploma of a Plastic Microsurgeon.
But, 2017 was one of the most important years for my career, as I came under the guidance of one of the famous plastic surgeons of Central Asia. This is my teacher Kachkinbayev Isken Karimovich. He is one of the founders of plastic surgery in Kyrgyzstan .
I am very grateful to him.
This is, so to speak, a brief biography of my formation as a plastic surgeon.
Нow do you assess the level of plastic surgery in Kyrgyzstan at the moment?
And what place in the world does Kyrgyzstan currently occupy in this field of medicine?
Plastic surgery is developed in our country, I think very well, we do almost all the operations that are performed in the world that exist at the moment.
I would say that neither what place does Kyrgyzstan occupy in the world, but whether we can do competitive work. Yes, we can. Our patients now can not fly for expensive operations in foreign countries. We have enough good specialists, as we regularly attend master classes, go to major international conferences, and exchange experience.
Have you ever had to correct someone's unfair work?
Of course, this is not excluded in our work. Perhaps our operations are also being redone by someone. After all, the views of the patient and the doctor sometimes do not coincide.
What plastic surgeries, according to your observations, are most often performed in Kyrgyzstan?
Almost all operations are popular. But, the leading Europeanization of Asian eyelids is blepharoplasty. Many operations are performed to reduce excess body fat - liposuction. There are also many reconstructive surgeries.
What about the fact that breast implants increase the risk of cancer?
This is a wrong opinion. As my teacher Kachkinbaev I. K. says, buttock implants do not cause buttock cancer. Implants are an inert material, silicone. It has been used for a long time, the same baby nipples, for example, in general, there are a lot of examples.
Tell me, what should you pay attention to when consulting a plastic surgeon, so as not to become a victim of an amateur?
First of all, you need to read his resume. The doctor must have a higher medical education and practical experience in plastic surgery. Of course, so that he takes regular internships abroad to improve his skills and exchange experience with foreign colleagues. You need to pay attention to the profile direction of the doctor. Request images of this doctor's patients before and after the operation to assess how well he performs his work.
Will it be necessary to constantly adjust it after breast augmentation?
According to world statistics, implants serve for about 10 years, after which you may be shown a replacement. But the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty on its product.
Tell me, do you still have scars after plastic surgery? And will the signs of surgical intervention be very noticeable?
It should be understood that after the operations, the result will not remain unnoticeable. It is a constant companion of any surgical intervention. It all depends on the chosen technique, but in any case, you need to try to hide the scars and make them less noticeable. For example, take a facelift. During facelift operations, incisions are made along the hairline and go behind the ear, skirting it. The scars are hidden by the hair. in order for postoperative scars not to create problems, they must be properly cared for..
And finally, what would you advise those who want to have plastic surgery and whether it should be done?
Love yourself for who you are! Stop looking at yourself in the mirror with a thousandth magnification and looking for flaws. They are what make you unique. If you have some small flaw in appearance that does not develop complexes in you, then leave it without surgical interventions. As we surgeons say, such minor errors as protruding ears or a large nose are sometimes seen only by you, others may not even guess that this is a cause for concern for you.
But if this unpleasant moment prevents you from living, then after weighing all the pros and cons, go to the doctor.
And most importantly, eat right, exercise. Be healthy and happy!