From October 25 to 31, Dubai held the XXIV World Congress of Neurologists, dedicated to stimulating and developing scientific knowledge about neurology, presenting the latest research results, as well as developing and expanding scientific cooperation around the world in the field of neurology. This congress is held every two years, and this year it was attended by representatives of more than 130 countries. From the KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaeva, the following teachers took part in the congress: Associate Professor Zarema Anitovna Kadyrova, Assistant of the Department of Neurology and Clinical Genetics Karbozova Kunduz Zainidinovna (epidemiological research on back pain) and specialist of the distance learning department Lutsenko Inna Leonidovna (research based on the results of the stroke register and ESO EAST project), as well as fourth-year students Gerasimova Daria (implementation of the algorithm for the diagnosis of stroke "SOKKU") and Zhunusova Eliza (awareness of KSMA students about Parkinson's disease).
The participants presented poster reports, which were highly appreciated by foreign colleagues. It should be noted that all young participants are winners and grantees of the World Federation of Neurology to participate in the congress. KSMA representatives met with the President of the World Stroke Organization Mikhail Brainin, the head of the public relations sector of the World Federation of Neurology Tissa Vigeratne, the head of the Austrian Society of Neurologists and the Antiepileptic League of Austria, Professor Eugen Trinka, professor, creator of the Khachinsky ischemia scale Vladimir Khachinsky. The representatives of the scientific community discussed possible aspects of cooperation and exchange programs.