On the eve of Nooruz, competitions in the national sports games among student teams were held in KSMA. According to the ordo, the first place was taken by the team of the faculty " General Medicine -1", the second place- " General Medicine-2", the third place-faculty of Medical and Preventive care. Arslan Kadyrov was recognized as the best player.
According to arkan tartysh, the prizes were distributed as follows: first place for dentists, second place-for pharmacologists, third place-for faculty of Medical and Preventive care (men). Among the women's teams, pediatricians -first place, dentists-second place, pharmacologists-third place.
According to arkan tartysh, the prizes were distributed as follows: first place for dentists, second place-for pharmacologists, third place-for faculty of Medical and Preventive care (men). Among the women's teams, pediatricians -first place, dentists-second place, pharmacologists-third place.
According to the number of qureshuu among the women's teams, the first place was taken by students of the faculty of Nursing, the second-pharmacologists, the third faculty of Medical and Preventive care, and among the men's teams, the first place was provided by dental students, the second place - "General Medicine-2", the third place-faculty of Nursing.
In kettlebell lifting, Zhoudar Muratov (General Medicine -2) was the strongest, the second place went to the future dentist Hamid Khasimmuradov, the third place went to the future pediatrician Kairat Tyurekanov.
The winners were awarded certificates and prizes.