University life
5 March 2024
Every year on March 5, "Ak Kalpak Day" is celebrated in Kyrgyzstan in honor of the national headdress ak kalpak.
This day was established by the Resolution of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 825-VI of June 29, 2016 in order to preserve the significance of the national headdress, support national traditions and awaken the people's sense of pride in Kyrgyz culture.
Teachers of the Department of Infectious Diseases Anarbaeva J.A., Sarkina A.K., Omonov I.K., MukanbetkerimovaG. M. supervised classes with 5 course, 28 group students of the Faculty of Medicine.During the class they paid attention to the history of Ak Kalpak and its importance.