On December 27 of this year, 6th year students of the Faculty of Medical and Preventive Care, under the guidance of employees of the Department of Hygienic Disciplines (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Kochkorova F.A., Ph.D., Acting Associate Professor Tsivinskaya T.A., assistants: Bapalieva G.O., Somkulova E.J., Kerimbaeva I.B., Amanova Zh.A.) conducted a training “Days of Healthy Eating” for students of grades 9-11 of the educational complex “Maarif” with with the participation of the school administration and representatives of Kainar Group LLC.
The purpose of the training is to familiarize high school students with the basic principles of healthy eating and improve nutritional culture.
Training program: a game among students to increase interest in the training, familiarization with the basic principles of healthy eating (presentation), survey results (eating habits, etc.), video and quiz with prizes awarded.