The interuniversity Olympiad in family medicine has ended in KSMA
University life 1 10 April 2019

Today, on April 10, 2019, the first interuniversity Olympiad in family medicine with the participation of six teams from three universities of the country–KSMA (3 teams), KRSU (2 teams) and OSH State University (1 team) has ended at the Medical Academy of Kyrgyzstan named after I. K. Akhunbaev. At the opening of the Olympiad, the participants were warmly welcomed by the Rector of the Medical Academy, Professor Indira Kudaibergenova.


At the Olympics, all the prizes were taken by the teams of KSMA. Namely, the first place was taken by the team of the Department of Family Medicine of pre-graduate education "VOPinators", the second place –“Breaking Bad”, the team of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1, and the third place – the team " Muras”, the Department of Hospital Surgery with the course of operative surgery.


All participants of the Olympiad were awarded certificates.